Hands-on cooking workshop and diet valuation II

Hands-on cooking workshop and diet valuation II
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November 2008
In spite of the horrible weather, at 11 am sharp we began with our second hands on cooking of the year 2008.

As every time we have this workshop, we prepare dan activity for the children with the monitors so that we can be relaxed while cooking. On this occasion and due to the bad weather, we took them to the movies to watch Madagascar 2.

Meanwhile, the adults were in their hands on cooking workshop, with Marisa as the teacher. She prepared a Chard lasagna and Meatballs in tomato sauce. She also prepared a snack consisting on stuffed piquillo red pepper.

Begoña and María teached the newest families in the association how to prepare bread dough, pasty, pizza and Yucca pancakes. They are experts elaborating these dishes, they can be compared with any specialized bakery.

The recipes we make at the workshop are afterwards eaten by the kids who love tasting new stuff when they are enjoying the company of other kids like themselves. Even the worst eaters take the chance to do so.

After we had had our lunch and drunk our coffee in good company and conversations, we began with the diet evaluation. The class was given by Irati (dietist and alimentation expert). We take great pride in her, she is constantly studying and working but when we need her she drops everything to come and help us with the workshops.

Families, both parents, are very keen about learning how to perform the evaluation, and take notes in order to be able to do them afterwards by themselves at home.

And answering while doubts and sharing cooking tips and secrets the day went by and at 6 pm we finished our day. We must also mention that some families left at 1,30 pm after finishing the hands on cooking.

We would like to thank all those who came to the workshop ant to all that could not finally make it for their collaboration. We do not forget that without them these workshops could not happen.

Fried Tomato: 15 gr
Special breadcrumbs: 10 gr
Chard: 110 gr
Special Flour 50 gr
Special milk: 100 gr
Special puff pastry sheets: 50 gr

Boil the chard with sault. Once boiled drain them in a colander. Mash the chard with a fork until we are sure they have lost all their water.
Prepare the White sauce with milk and flour.
Add the drained chard to the White sauce, let it 5 minutes at low flame and stirring continually so the flavors mix. Place a puff pastry sheet in a ovenproof dish and place on top the chard with White sauce. Repeat process (sheet-chard, sheet-chard…) until the lasagna has the desired height.
Cover the last sheet with tomato sauce, sprinkle breadcrumbs on top and gratine in the oven.
Note: another way to prepare the lasagna is to spread tomato in each sheet, on top of this putt he chard White sauce and repeat. To the last sheet we add more tomato, breadcrumbs and we gratine in the oven.

Food Amount Protein Phenylalanine Energy
Tomato sauce 15 35 63 1095
Breadcrumbs 10 0 27 94
Chards 110 22 297 3630
Special flour 50 155 5 1775
Special milk 100 4 10 166
Special puff pastry sheets 50 25 615 77
Total: 3355 5985 56175

Bread buns
Food for elaboration:
Special flour: 500 gr
Royal yeast: 8 gr
Flora margarine: 80gr
Salt: 5gr
Sugar: 5gr
Water 350 ml

Heat the oven at 180ºC/200ºC
Add 450gr of flour to a bowl and keep the rest of flour. Add the yeast to the bowl (it comes with the packet of SHS flour) and 8 gr. of Royal yeast.
Melt the 80gr of margarine and heat ( 30ºC aprox.) the 350ml of water.
Pour into the bowl slowly the melted margarine and the tempered water,
Stir the dough until it is completely mixed.
Let the dough stand 5 minutes.
Once it has stand, mold the buns with the rest of the flour that we had kept previously.
Grease with butter or oil the oven tray.
Place the buns on the tray leaving space between them and bake 40 minutes aproximately.

Food Amount Protein Phenylalanine Energy
Special flour 500 155 50 1775
Royal yeast 8 29 1430
Flora margarine 80 72 6016
Salt 5
Sugar 5 19
Total: 184 715 23956

food needed for elaboration:
Bacon: 40 gr
Garlic: 5 gr
Special bread crunmb: 30 gr
Onion: 10 gr
Special flour: 20 gr
Tomato sauce: 40gr
Oil: 10 gr
Special milk


Putt he bread crumb in milk. Chop into small pieces the bacon, parsley and garlic
Mix in a bowl and add sault plus the soaked bread crumb.
Shape them like balls, flour them and fry.

Dorar en una sartén la cebolla.
Brown the onion in a pan.
Once browned, add flour and tomato, stir it thoroughly and let it 10-15 minutes at low flame.
Add the sauce to the meatballs and let it 5 minutes at low flame

Food Amount Protein Phenylalanine Energy
Bacon 40 46 21948
Garlic 5 34 89 72
Special bread crumb 30 0 81 282
Special milk 25 1 25 415
Special flour 20 7 2 71
Tomato sauce 40 92 168 292
Oil 10 0 0 90
Total: 615 26078 52465

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